Webmail (web-based email access)
If you host your email with Beyond Indigo, we provide access to a Webmail account for each email address that you create with us.
The article that has specific information about accessing your Webmail account is here: https://help.beyondindigo.com/hc/en-us/articles/207691763-Using-Webmail-your-Web-based-email-account
Email clients (i.e. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.)
If you do not like accessing your email through Webmail, the easy to use web-based email interface, and you really want to install a mail client on your system (PC, MAC, mobile device, tablet, etc.), then you'll need to follow some information very carefully in order to ensure the safe setup and access of your email.
The article that has specific information about Email client setup is here:
Other Problems?
If you are having any issues with your email, please access our Email articles in the Help Center, or you can always submit a ticket to the Help Desk so we can resolve your issue immediately!
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