Welcome to the Beyond Indigo Help Desk

What can be done using the Help Desk vs. What can be done in the Administration Center?

Clients often ask us what parts of the website they can change.  Here is a simple breakdown:

Tools that allow you to change content

Your admin center will be set up with tools that allow you to change content on certain pages at launch.  Typically these are staff listing, resources links, job postings, news, events, testimonials, and coupons and promotions.  Your Project manager will help you choose the tools that are right for you.

Once the tools have been set up, you will see them in your administration center.  Most will be under the heading "Content".  To add content to one of those areas, simply click "add an item" and choose the relevant category. Your new content should automatically appear on the correct page.

You will also see a listing for Staff Tool which allows you to add, edit, delete and order staff.  

The Links tool allows you to quickly add resource links to your website.

In addition, you may also have Pet Loss tools that can be managed via the admin area.

If you have a need for a new tool to change the content in a particular area, that can usually be done as well.  For example, you haven't been posting jobs, but want to do so now.  Simply submit a help desk ticket and we'll set that up for you.  Please also contact the help desk if you have any questions about how to use any of your tools.  You can also make a request for a help desk change even if you have a tool for it.

Changes We Make For You

 Other changes require more formatting and more care to make sure your SEO is not impacted, so we make those changes for you.  Your Beyond Indigo service includes unlimited changes to text and photos via our help desk. We can also help with navigation changes, additions of sections to your website, minor design changes, and addition of third-party apps and widgets.  More extensive design changes may require an additional fee.

 To request these changes, please submit a ticket and attach the information you'd like updated.  Our help desk is happy to make these updates for you.

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