Welcome to the Beyond Indigo Help Desk

How do I update my website?

If you need to update your website once it has launched, all you need to do is Submit a Ticket to the Help Desk.  Here are some helpful hints about submitting tickets:


1. Website Address and Contact Information

Make sure you include your correct contact information and website address when submitting a ticket.

2. Content changes

If you are changing content or pictures on a particular page, it's helpful to include the link to the page - i.e. http://www.mycountrysidevet.com/veterinary-services/allergies.html instead of typing a description of where the page is.  That way there can be no mistake as to which page you want the changes on.

If changing content, it's helpful to attach a Word document or type the content changes directly into the ticket.  If changing pictures be sure to attach the pictures and be detailed as to which photos/pics you want swapped out.  NOTE:  sometimes, pictures that are large do not attach to tickets because of size limitations.  If that is the case, we may ask you to send them to us directly.

3. Administration Center

Some changes might be accessible by you in the Administration Center.  You may or may not be aware of that access.  If you are new, we might ask if you want a short (30-45 minute) one-on-one training session to review how to use the Admin Center.  You don't have to use this interface, but sometimes if you know how to use it, changing out staff, adding news or events, or coupons can be very quick and easy for you and not involve creating a ticket to the Help Desk :-)

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