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Google Analytics/ SEO Report Glossary

Confused by terminology SEO pundits may use?  Here is a glossary that will have you understanding even the most bewildering jargon.  Here is also a handy PDF download of one if you want to just keep a copy remotely:  https://www.lovesdata.com/blog/google-analytics-glossary

Top Level Data

Organic Traffic: Website visitors sent to your website via a search engine.

Referral Traffic: Website visitors sent to your website via another website.

Direct Traffic: Website visitors sent to your website by entering your website in a browser.

Paid Traffic: Website visitors sent to your website via paid online advertising.

Users: The number of unique individuals that have visited your website in a specific timespan.

Sessions: The number of total visits to your website in a specific timespan. Each time a unique user visits your website it counts as a session. Your website can receive many session visits from the same user.

Pageviews: The total number of individual pages viewed by all visitors.

Pages / Session: The average ratio of pages viewed per session visit in a specific timespan.

Avg. Session Duration: The average length of time a session visitor spends on your website.

% of New Sessions: The percentage of your total traffic that are new, unique visitors.

Bounce Rate: The percentage of traffic that immediately leaves your website upon arriving.

Traffic Source: The source of a particular traffic visit. (Google.com, Facebook.com, Yelp.com)

Medium: The classification of traffic type. (Organic, Referral, Paid)

Location: The geographic source of a website visit.

Goal: A pre-selected outcome to be tracked.

Conversion: A completed goal.


Page Data

Pageviews: The total number of individual pages viewed by all visitors.

Unique Pageviews: The total number of individual pages viewed by unique users.

Avg. Time on Page: Average amount of time a session visitor spends on a page.

Entrances: The number of times visitors entered your site through a specified page.

% Exit: How often users exit from a specific page when they view that page.

Landing Pages: Pages on your website with the most visitors enter your website through.

Exit Pages: Pages on your website that most visitors exit from.


Device Category

Desktop: Traffic to your website via any desktop computer.

Mobile: Traffic to your website via any call enabled smart device.

Tablet: Traffic to your website via any non-call enabled smart device.



Benchmark Data: How your website data compares to your region and industry vertical averages.

Visibility Score: Weighted score given for how well your website ranks for a specific keyword list.

Keyword: A targeted, business relevant term that many people search for in search engines.

Search Volume: The number of searches a keyword is estimated to have in a given month.

Keyword Ranking: The current numbered placement of your website for a specific keyword.

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