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How do I get a video on my website?

Many of our clients ask us about getting video on their website.  Let's say you have a video that you've taken of a special procedure or you have been interviewed by a local news channel and you want your clients to be able to get to it from your website.

There are a couple of ways we can handle this request. 

Let's discuss the first example: you've recorded a special procedure and want it on your website.  The easiest way to do this is to create your own Youtube channel (if you haven't already done that) and upload the video to your Youtube channel. Then, Submit a New Ticket with the link to that Youtube video and a general description of where you would like the video to appear on your website.  We can then embed that video on your website so that clients can see it directly.

Now let's talk about the second example: a news organization or other company has interviewed you and you'd like that video available on your website.  Do you have a News section on your website?  If you do, the best way to approach this sort of video is to create a New News item from your Admin panel, write a short article announcing the interview/special feature and link to that video.  If you don't have a News section on your site you can Submit a New Ticket with the link to the video and a short description of what he interview/special feature was about and we can then custom fit that information to your Home Page or in any other section that you would like.

Have an example that isn't discussed here?  That's an easy answer!  Just write what you'd like to do when you Submit a New Ticket and I'm sure we can figure it out.

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