Welcome to the Beyond Indigo Help Desk!
The mission of Help Desk is to provide the Beyond Indigo customer base with a higher level of technical support by building a foundation that allows for the continuous improvement of service from the initial recording of the problem or request till the final resolution. The Help Desk will ensure that customer tickets are responded to promptly, courteously, and professionally. We encourage you to use our site to find valuable information to help you troubleshoot common user problems, review frequently asked questions, access commonly requested forms and links, or send us a suggestion as to how we can improve upon our service.
The Help Desk's hours of operation are from 7 am to 7 pm Monday to Friday E.T., and on holidays and weekends, we respond to urgent requests.
If you have any questions about the Help Desk and want to speak to the Help Desk Manager personally, please feel free to email Eric Hellman, Beyond Indigo Help Desk Manager at eric@beyondindigo.com.
We hope that you find the Help Desk experience satisfying. At Beyond Indigo we value all of our clients and want to ensure that you are getting the best level of service possible.
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